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                当前位置:首页 > 校园招聘 > 教职工招聘 > 西南科技★大学城市学院2021年关于英语外教招聘启事

                发布:2021-10-08 11:12:06  关注:28915次

                job description

                1. job title: english teacher;

                2. provide english course to college students ;

                3. 5 working days per week, available on weekend;


                with a bachelor’s degree or above;

                with some teaching experience,tefl/tesol certificate preferred;

                with abilities to teach english majors such courses as “pronunciation”, “oral english”, “a guide to english-speaking countries” and other related courses;

                with willingness to assist the english department in organizing the students’ after-class curricula (english corner, lecture show etc.);

                with a good rapport to cooperate with the colleagues and the students;

                22 to 45 years old


                salary negotiation;

                single dormitory accommodation

                provide residence permit

                application process

                1.the application process:

                a. applicants send their resumes and other materials to the college official e-mai;

                b. application materials examination;

                c. interview;

                d. approval from the college leaders;

                e. signing contract.

                2. applicants should provide the application form for city college of southwest university of science and technology (please download the application in the attachment), resume and id card, degree certificate (or employment recommendation form), professional and technical position (title) certificate and other materials of qualifications.

                3. the college official e-mai address: city-college@163.com

                4. the title of the email should be: english foreign teacher + name + major + highest academic degree + position.


                contact person: teacher xu. teacher zhang.

                contact number: 0816-6285104 13508100331

                contact address: no.11, sanxing road, youxian district, mianyang city, sichuan province




