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                当前位置:首页 > 校园招聘 > 教职工招聘 > 上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院stephen mann讲席教授团队2021年5月招聘博士后
                上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院stephen mann讲席教授团队2021年5月招聘博士后

                发布:2021-05-21 23:15:55  关注:21759次



                stephenmann院士:英国皇家科学院院士、英国皇家化学会会士,布里斯托大学有序△物质化学中心、原始生命研究中心和功能纳米材料研究中心负ㄨ责人,德国马普所-布里斯托原始生物学研究所主任,伦敦大学学院自然启迪工程中心首席科学家,国际著名材□ 料化学家。mann院士迄今共发表研究论文500余篇,论文被引用超过56,000次,个人h因子为120。2014年被国际知名的科技√信息检索机构—汤森路透(thomsonreuters)集团评选为全球最具影响力科学家。现受聘于上海交通大学材料科学与工程学●院任讲席教授,并将于近期在上海交通大学组建科研团队。












                recruitment announcement of the team of chair professor stephen mann of shanghai jiao tong university

                frs stephen mann (fellow of royal society, frs) has recently been employed as a chair professor in the school of materials science and engineering of shanghai jiao tong university. he will establish a research team (stephen mann lab)in the school of materials and engineering at shanghai jiao tong university. now he is open to recruitment in china and abroad. he employs associate professors, assistant professors, full-time researchers and postdoctoral research assistants. the recruitment is effective for a long time. excellent talents are welcome to apply.

                introduction of team leader and research group

                academician stephen mann: fellow of the royal society, uk, fellow of the royal society of chemistry uk, co-director of the max planck-bristol centre for minimal biology, director of the center for organized matter chemistry and the center for protolife research, founding principal of the center for functional nanomaterials at the university of bristol, founding chair of the center for nature inspired engineering at university college london, and internationally renowned materials chemist. to date, academician mann has published more than 550 research papers, which have been cited more than 63000 times, and his personal h factor is 125. in 2014, he was selected as a world's most influential scientist by thomson reuters group, an internationally renowned scientific and technological information retrieval organization. he is currently employed as a chair professor in school of materials science and engineering, shanghai jiao tong university, and will set up a research team in shanghai jiao tong university in the near future.

                for details, please refer to the homepage of academician stephen mann's research group:

                hongjing dou: professor in the school of materials science & engineering and state key laboratory of metal matrix composites, shanghai jiao tong university. marie curie scholar of european union (2015-2017), shuguang scholar of shanghai (2017), distinguished professor of oriental scholar (2017) and tracking plan (2020), excellent talents of new century of ministry of education (2013). professor dou hongjing is mainly engaged in the research of biological micro-nano materials, macromolecular self-assembly, construction of protocells and their communities and biological applications. she has published more than 80 academic papers in journals such asnature communciations,acs nano,angewandte chemie, and is a pi of over more than 30 scientific research projects including one eu seventh framework project and four nsfc projects.

                for details, please refer to the homepage of professor dou hongjing's research group:

                postdoctoral assistant

                job requirements

                outstanding doctoral candidates under the age of 35 who have obtained their doctorates from internationally renowned universities or research institutions (top 300 in the world); good command of english to ensure good communication skills; a strong interest in scientific research, solid professional foundation and strong scientific paper writing ability, with a positive and enterprising work attitude, cooperation ability and good team spirit; publishing high level sci papers as the first author. candidates with research background in biomaterials, polymer science, biomedicine, cell biology /immunology, materials/life crossover are preferred.

                in the first year of the contract (2-3 years), the candidate will carry out start-up research work in the mann team of shanghai jiao tong university, and in the second year, the candidate will go to the mann team of the university of bristol (uk) to continue the research work. the specific time arrangements can be flexibly adjusted according to the actual situation. the contract can be renewed later, and the work location can be flexibly determined according to the research progress and demand.

                salary and welfare

                enjoy the postdoctoral welfare treatment of shanghai jiao tong university, ensure that the basic annual salary is more than 242000, and the specific salary is discussed in person. in addition to the basic salary, the team will give additional rewards based on research contributions, paper publication, fund projects, etc; support the application of "postdoctoral innovation talent support plan" and "super postdoctoral" talent projects in shanghai; in the postdoctoral research period, the postdoctoral research assistant who has completed postdoctoral project for 3 years and has achieved excellent research results and meets the requirements of tenure-tracked faculty system of sjtu, and can be recommended to apply directly the tenure-tracked position at sjtu; the candidate can handle the household registration matters according to the postdoctoral management policy of shanghai.






