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                当前位置:首页 > 校园招聘 > 教职工招聘 > 上海交通大学安泰经济与【管理学院2023年度公开招聘公告

                发布:2022-10-25 17:10:14  关注:15380次

                上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院面向海内外诚聘英才○,现公开招聘◣2023年会↓计领域◥、数据与商务智能领域、经济领域、金融领域、信息系统及战略管理领域、管理科学领︻域、市场营销领域长聘轨助理教授、副教授和教授。我们秉持 做一等∮学问,铸一等√人才,成一等事业 的使命,提供优渥的教学和科研环境,期待经济◢管理领域的有志之士与我们一起大展鸿图。申请人须已取得博士学位或为应届博士╳毕业生。我们将优先考虑具〗有卓越科研潜力和出色教学能力的申请人。我们也欢迎研究成果丰硕和教学经验丰富的学者申请副教授以上♂高级职位。申请人可通过我们的招聘系统(链接如下)进行注册申请,请务必准确填写研究▓领域,并注意各专业申请截止日▂期。


                Antai College of Economics and Management (ACEM) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) invites applications for tenure-track positions in Accounting, Data and Business Intelligence, Economics, Finance, Information Systems and Strategic Management, Management Science,and Marketing. We wish to recruit new faculty members at all levels (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor). We offer excellent research support and competitive compensation packages comparable to research schools in China and Asia. We seek applicants with strong research potential, as well as commitment and dedication to teaching. We enthusiastically invite scholars with an excellent record of research and teaching for the senior positions.

                JOB QUALIFICATIONS:

                All candidates should have a Ph.D. or be fresh graduates in Accounting, Data and Business Intelligence, Economics, Finance, Information Systems, Strategic Management, Analytics, Statistics, Operations Management, Operations Research, Marketing, or other related disciplines. They are expected to have a strong commitment to research and teaching with evidence of publication potential and ability to teach in English or Chinese.


                All application materials should be submitted through our recruitment system (http://mis.acem.sjtu.edu.cn/jszp/login.html). Please fill in the online application form with your research fields specified.

                Your application package should include:

                ■ Cover letter;

                ■ CV;

                ■ Job market paper and samples of publication (if any);

                ■ Statement of teaching philosophy and research plan (if any);

                ■ Evidence of teaching performance (if any);

                ■ Three letters of recommendation (submitted directly from the recommenders).

                Deadlines for submission:

                ■ Positions in Accounting: April 30, 2023(23:59 Beijing Time).

                ■ Positions in Data and Business Intelligence: November 15, 2022(23:59 Beijing Time).

                ■ Positions in Economics:November 15, 2022(23:59 Beijing Time).

                ■ Positions in Finance:December 10, 2022(23:59 Beijing Time).

                ■ Positions in Information, Technology and Innovation: November 1, 2022(23:59 Beijing Time).

                ■ Positions in Management Science: December 1, 2022(23:59 Beijing Time).

                ■ Positions in Marketing: December 31, 2022(23:59 Beijing Time).


                We will only consider candidates with complete applications received before this date for interviews.

                - For positions in Economics, we will conduct online interviews, starting from December 1, 2022.

                - For positions in Finance, we will conduct online interviews, starting from January 1, 2023.

                - For positions in Management Science, we will conduct interviews (online) around 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting for applications received before October 8, 2022.

                Fields of Interests:

                ■ Positions in Accounting: Accounting and capital market, Corporate finance and governance, Auditing, Managerial accounting, and Taxation;

                ■ Positions in Data and Business Intelligence: All areas of data and business intelligence, including big data computation, data (graph) mining, statistics, operation research and algorithms;

                ■ Positions in Economics: Urban, rural and regional Economics, Industrial organization, Macroeconomics, and International economics;

                ■ Positions in Finance: Macro finance; Fixed income securities; and FinTech;

                ■ Positions in Information, Technology and Innovation: All areas of Information Systems, all areas of Strategic Management;

                ■ Positions in Management Science: Business Statistics, Analytics, Operations Management, and Operations Research;

                ■ Positions in Marketing: Empirical Modeling.

                ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION: SJTU is one of the most prestigious universities in China. After over 100 years development, ACEM has secured its position as one of the top-tier business schools in China, also the first Chinese business school triple-accredited by AMBA, EQUIS and AACSB. ACEM offers a variety of distinctive programs, including Ph.D., MBA, Executive MBA, Executive Education, Master of Finance, Master of International Business, and Undergraduate in Economics and Management. ACEM is in collaboration with many prominent schools of business in Europe, Asia, and the U.S.

                FURTHER INFORMATION:

                ■Email: recruiting@acem.sjtu.edu.cn(邮件标题注明:应聘某↘某岗位+本人姓名+今日招聘网)

                ■Go to: www.acem.sjtu.edu.cn/en/

                ■Tel: 86-21-52306045








                数学、化学、生物学、机械工程、材料科学与工程Ψ 、信息与通信工程、控制科学★与工程、计算机科学与技术、土木工程、化学工程与技术、船舶与海洋工程、基础医学、临床医学、口腔医学、药学、电子电气工程、商业〓与管理